Over the years, Cognum has performed valuations for numerous entities, including some of the largest and most prominent companies in the Israeli economy, as well as foreign and governmental entities. As part of our services, we provide valuations for a wide variety of assets, among which are business enterprises, equity, tangible and intangible assets, and derivative instruments. Our experience in this area covers numerous sectors, which include all types of hi-tech companies, banking and financial institutions, energy (oil & gas), trade and retail, real estate, communications, infrastructure and service companies.
Several examples of valuation cases, apart from valuations conducted as part of Cognum's transaction services, include the valuation of assets as part of a divestment and acquisition process between Adama and Syngenta (2017), the valuation of Shupersal Finance loyalty cards operator for the purpose of a shareholders buyout transaction (2017), the valuation of the pension and provident funds of Phoenix Investments and Finance and Excellence Investment House for the purpose of an intergroup merger (2017) and the valuation of Excellence Investment House's ETFs and mutual funds for the purpose of an intercompany merger (2017), valuations of Cellcom Israel (NASDAQ: CEL) and Cellcom Israel's fixed-line and OTT TV segment (2014-2018), valuations of Ashdod Oil Refineries (2006-2017), the valuation of Bezeq for the recipient of the shares of Gad Zeevi (2006), valuation of Oil Refineries Ltd. (2006), valuations of various retail chains (Clubmarket, The Blue Square, Shufersal, Super-pharm) and the valuation of Mizrahi Bank Ltd. - performed in 1995 for the government of Israel during the privatization process of the bank.
Examples of additional valuation projects performed for the Government of Israel are valuations of the facilities of two oil refineries in which the government was the majority shareholder, valuation of Rafael in the context of a privatization process and the valuation of Mekorot, Israel's national water carrier.